
Psychedelic Ego Death

Ego death is the realization of unity between the mind and the Universe. It is a very spiritual occurrence that can be achieved through years of meditation or high doses of psychedelic drugs.

The experience derives it's name from the fact that the mind is absolved of the existence of the self, or ego. Individuality no longer exists and only fundamental being, true consciousness, remains. Such epiphanies are often referred to as enlightenment, and those that have reached this spiritual level often structure their lives and philosophies around it.

When a person truly integrates with the Universe at large, perception of other beings is drastically altered in a beneficial way. Because all consciousness is equal, the only differences between individuals are the result of inconsistent stimuli and experience. Once this is understood, morality takes on a whole new meaning. What separates you from any other conscience, may not be very much at all.


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  2. yo expeimente con psycoactivos (LSD) posteriormente, despues de una gran y profunda introspección experimente sensaciones de omnipotencia, empatia con el cosmos y si no mate mi ego totalmente, al menos estoy seguro que lo disolví bastante , supongo que por eso tambien le llaman disolucion del ego...

    Es una experiencia que me cambio la forma de ver la vida totalmente !
